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6PM Community Sustainability Advisory Board @ City Hall

Downtown Trash and Recycling Bins - Google Street Images - Click to enlarge

Council recently approved CSAB's proposal to change our buildings codes to emphasize "electric preferred" approaches, so staff will discuss next steps for drafting the new codes.

The Board will review a final report produced for the City by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (which starts on p. 9 of the meeting packet), recent natural gas consumption data, a preliminary version of a software to track municipal energy use and potential new municipal solar projects for 2025.

Thusfar, the City has not required businesses and multi-family homes to use the same curbside recycling/composting service that single family homes use (though many recycle voluntarily). This has been high on CSAB's priority list, so staff is planning an information-gathering campaign this summer to find out what those locations would need and want. The goal is to get businesses and apartment buildings to begin recycling and composting. Staff is evaluating the option of providing daily pickup in the downtown business district. That might eliminate the need for dumpsters.

Watch the meeting on this page (starting at 6PM).
See the meeting packet here.
Attend in person at City Hall.
