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Historic Preservation Board - March 13, 2024

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6:30PM Historic Preservation Board Meeting @ City Hall
The Historic Preservation Board has an unusually interesting agenda tonight. The paint on the Welcome Arch has faded over time, and the Downtown Development Authority has offered to pay to have it repainted. The Historic Preservation Board has been offered three paint schemes and is being asked for their recommendation. All three options are similar to versions used on the sign in the past.

photo of two one-story buildings
805 and 807 13th Street

The Gardner family has submitted applications for two of their buildings to be designated as Local Historic Landmark Properties. The applications–included in the meeting packet are long, detailed, and (I thought) wonderfully interesting! The two buildings in question are located at 805 13th Street (map) and 807 13th Street (map). The Board will be asked to approve the requests for designation.

Board members who attended the 2024 Saving Places Conference will share what they learned with the rest of the group.

Staff will update the board on their efforts to hire a consultant to produce a Policy and Engagement Study. They will also pass on any comments made by City Council on HPB’s work plan for 2024
