103 Years Ago
The July 21, 1921 Colorado Transcript described a house fire where a brave young girl saved her two baby brothers. On the previous Tuesday afternoon, Mr. and Mr. F.W. Briggs went out to pick berries, leaving their 11 year old daughter Leslie to watch her brothers. While they were gone, the roof of the kitchen shed caught fire. Leslie quickly carried the babies to the farthest corner of the yard, then tried to douse the flames by throwing water at the roof. Unable to extinguish the fire, she ran to the nearest telephone to call the fire department, then ran back to the house and began dragging out the family’s possessions.
The Briggs house is located on Teller row, above the C. & S. round house, and in the most inaccessible part of the city. By the time the firemen made the long run, the kitchen was entirely in flames…. There is no fire plug near, but with the chemical apparatus and bucket brigades, the firemen prevented total destruction. – July 21, 1921 Colorado Transcript

This story caught my attention because of the location. I have only seen Teller Row in one place–the 1878 Willits Map. Teller Row was one of several small streets that were platted north of the railroad yard, shops, freight depot, and roundhouse. I don't think most of those streets were actually built. In any case, that neighborhood would now be buried under Highway 58.

I was also interested in the reference to chemical flame suppressants. The 1919 Sanborn Fire Map describes Golden’s fire fighting capabilities as follows:
Volunteer, 61 members – 1-General Motors comb’n hose & chemical auto truck with double 30 gal chemical & 1000′ 2-1/2″ hoses – 1-Ford Comb’n hose & chem’l auto ruck with double 40 gal chem’l & 700′ 2-1/2″ hose – Alarm: siren at city hall – Total hose 1700′ – 2-1/2″ & 500′ – 1-1/2″ all in good condition.
Thanks to the Golden History Museum for funding the online collection of historic newspapers.