54 Years Ago
The September 29th, 1970 Golden Transcript included an article entitled “Rooney Dump Hours Change with Season.”
The article alerted residents that the dump would be open 7AM-5PM beginning October 1st. “Tickets for one dump visit or booklets for twenty (at no discount) may be purchased at either the sanitary fill entrances or the courthouse in Golden…. Another burn at the Rooney Rd. facility will be held sometime in the near future for dead tree limbs.”
This is interesting for a couple of reasons. First, it’s a reminder of the time before the Clean Air act, when we still disposed of branches and leaves by burning them. Second, curbside trash collection was just coming into common use at that time, and many people still made regular trips to the dump to unload their household waste.

So what happened to that Rooney Road dump? It was eventually filled and “capped” (covered with clay and soil), and it’s now home to the Rooney Road Sports Complex.
Many thanks to the Golden Rotary Club for sponsoring Golden History Moments for the month of September.