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5:30PM Downtown Development Authority @ City Hall

This sidewalk between two Millstone buildings may be the trail proposed for widening as part of the Jackson Street redesign. - Click to enlarge

The Commissioners will hear an update on the Jackson Street Corridor redesign. The second open house on this topic was not well-attended, so the Planning Department will look for other ways to solicit input. Tonight's memo says that

DDA staff has requested that the consultant start to work on the 30% design plans for 11th Street as we think that the feasibility and constructability of this block may be more technical in nature, and it would be helpful to know more about this block and the proposal to widen the trail north to the creek from the intersection of 11th and Jackson sooner rather than later.

The current proposal calls for a significant reduction in on-street parking.

Jackson St. 11th-12th
Now: 14 parking spaces
Future: 0

Jackson St. 12th-13th
Now: 26 parking spaces
Future: 13 parking spaces

Jackson St. 13th-14th
Now: 23 parking spaces
Future: 11 parking spaces

13th St. Jackson to Ford
Now: 19 parking spaces
Future: 11 parking spaces

Now: 82 parking spaces
Future: 35 parking spaces

The proposed plan is posted on GuidingGolden.  They say they are accepting public comment until June 7th.
