There will be a dinner break between the 5PM Study Session and the 6:30PM Business Meeting.
- Meeting takes place at Golden City Hall - 911 10th Street (map)
- Meeting will be broadcast on this page
- Meeting agenda is here
Public Comment is accepted at the beginning of the meeting. You'll have 3 minutes to speak. Alternatively, you can send emails by 3PM to Comments received by 3PM will be added to the meeting packet.
Consent Matters includes items considered uncontroversial, probably not requiring discussion.
Jeffco Regional Crime Lab IGA - The current Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) requires to crime lab return any unused funds at the end of the year to the County's general fund. In 2023, the lab $15,899 had remaining, so they turned it over to the County. This change would allow the lab to carryover funds for use in the following year. This will not affect Golden's contribution.
A change request in the amount of $35,400 is required to cover cost overruns on two drainage ponds.
The city is requesting fee increases for waste collection services.

The City will accept a permanent non-exclusive drainage easement for 2315 Illinois St. (map). This site has been subdivided into three lots for future redevelopment.
Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
The City's auditor will present the 2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.
2nd Quarter Financial Report
The City's Finance Director will present the 2024 2nd Quarter Financial Report.

Eliminating Dog Licenses (1st reading - to be voted on August 13th)
Since 2007, the cities of Golden, Arvada, Edgewater, Lakewood, Westminster, and Wheat Ridge, along with Jefferson County have had an IGA for a countywide dog licensing program. The proceeds were to be used to help pay the dept for Foothills Animal Shelter. The board has recommended that they eliminate licensing. Golden will budget their full contribution to the shelter ($48,600 in 2024) without trying to offset the cost with licensing fees.
Franchise Agreement with Comcast
Council will consider renewing the non-exclusive franchise agreement with Comcast.
Hiring Architects for the New City Hall Project
Council will consider approving a $2.6 million contract for architects to design a new City Hall. This is part of an ongoing community conversation. For background, see today's article, "Where are we today with the new City Hall?"