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Copper Gold Expected closing date is June 17th - Click to enlarge

When GURA (Golden Urban Renewal Authority) operated in the historic downtown area, they offered small business grants to businesses and property owners in the URA area. They discontinued the grants when they moved out to other areas, including Parfet-Briarwood (8th Street), the Central Neighborhoods (business area near Natural Grocers), and West Colfax. Tonight, the GURA board will discuss offering grants once again.

Flats on Ford Housing Authority Project, across Ford from the Copper-Gold property

The new expected date for sale of the Copper Gold Apartments (former Golden Motel) (map) to the Housing Authority is June 17th. This is of interest to GURA, both because the property is located in a GURA district and because GURA contributed $400,000 toward the purchase of the property. The property will be used as affordable housing and to "to transition Golden's unhoused residents into permanent housing." The Housing Authority plans to redevelop the property into a taller, denser project, similar to their "Flats on Ford" across the Street.

The community garden behind Natural Grocers has been cleaned up and compost has been added. Most of the plots have been assigned.

Staff has been working with the owners of 17270 West Colfax Ave. (map) to negotiate a TIF agreement to help them redevelop the property.

Staff will report on any pending land use classes in URA areas.

For more information, see the meeting packet.
