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satellite image on left, showing 4 moderate-size buildngs, parked cars, and half the property open - right shows future
17270 W. Colfax - current and future views - Click to enlarge

17270 W. Colfax Ave. (map)
Confluence Development will attend to "request tax increment financing assistance to redevelop this site, a long-term goal for GURA."

The developer will describe their plans for 17270 W. Colfax. The Planning Commission recently approved a site plan, which includes 182 residential apartments, 28 of which will be boarding units, 8,778 square feet of commercial space for a restaurant and coffee shop, and 175 parking spaces.

At this time, no mention is made of making any of the units "affordable."

This topic has come up in previous Confluence projects. When the Basecamp apartments were built on the former Briarwood Inn property, GURA had envisioned making some of them "affordable." They were not able to negotiate a deal with Confluence (see "Too Expensive to be Affordable", so the apartments rent at market rates:

1-bedroom $2,511 - $3,184
2-bedroom (not published)
3-bedroom (not published)
4-bedroom $4,747 - $5.612

When Confluence built their "boarding house" project (Aurum), the developer pitched the project as "attainable" housing (see "The Ins and Outs of Boarding Houses") and estimated the rental cost of the units as follows:

1-bedroom $1,184
3-bedroom $2,700

The current published prices to rent those units are:

1-bedroom $1,915 - $4,034
3-bedroom $3,258 - $4,897

The GURA board will discuss this project in Executive Session (no cameras, no public present).

Housing for the Unhoused
In other affordable housing news, Foothills Regional Housing Authority has alerted the City that their purchase of the Copper and Gold Apartments (the former Golden Motel) has been delayed. They have also announced that some of the units in that project (which is located in the East Street Neighborhood) will be used to transition Golden's unhoused residents into permanent housing.

For more information, see the meeting packet.

The meeting takes place in City Council chambers and will be broadcast live and recorded for later viewing.

City Hall Council Chambers
911 10th Street (map)
