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CoorsTek site where several buildings have been leveled and more remain
CoorsTek Property/Future Clayworks - Click to enlarge

The Planning Commission will hear a presentation from a graduate student on "Incentivizing Mixed-Income Developments Through a Reduction In Commercial Requirements." A few years ago, the Planning Commission specified that certain types of multi-family buildings should have business on the first floor. This was to encourage residents to walk around their neighborhoods rather than driving places. Now there's more emphasis on fitting more housing into the buildings. The presentation will explain that eliminating the commercial requirement will make housing more affordable by allowing developers to fit more housing into a building.

Their second topic will be energy building codes. They have been discussing the details with the Sustainability Board and will send a recommendation to City Council.

After the business meeting they will adjourn to a study session. They will go through new rules and procedures provided by Council and then review the Official Development Plan for the Coorstek/9th Street Clayworks project. On May 15th, they will meet again to review the Site Development Plan.

City Hall Council Chambers
911 10th Street (map)
