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6PM Parks & Recreation Board Meeting

football players on a green field in the distance with mountains in the background
Lions Park - photo by Barb Warden - Click to enlarge

The Parks Board will discuss how to use their summer study sessions. They may do field trips to some of the parks and facilities that the board oversees. They will choose a new representative to serve on the Special Events Committee, which meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 8:30AM.Staff will update the board on pesticide free parks, and the board will discuss the topic.

They will discuss park hours, which are currently posted as 5AM-11PM. Some community members have asked that the hours be shortened to "dawn to dusk." This would match Jeffco Open Space hours. Lighted facilities such as tennis courts and pickleball cours can still be open after dark, and trails that go through parks can still be travelled.

A subcommittee recently helped staff in interviewing consultants for a new Parks & Recreation Master Plan and a new Open Space Master Plan. The subcommittee will report back to the rest of the board.

The Director will report on various Parks & Rec projects.
