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black & white postcard of Golden withGuggenheim Hall in the Center and a railroad trestle front & center
Drop-off from 15th Street to the Tracks – enlarge - Click to enlarge

89 Years Ago

On June 9th, 1935, Bert Selp parked his 1934 Oldsmobile in front of his home at 817 Fifteenth Street. The brakes failed on the unattended car, and it began to roll downhill. It crossed over Washington Avenue without incident, rolled to the edge of the Kinney Run cut, then plunged 75 feet down the hill and landed on the railroad tracks. The car narrowly avoided a fence post, a power pole, and a tree on the way down, but sustained very little damage.

The 8PM trolley into Golden was delayed about an hour, waiting for the car to be towed off the tracks, but no one was hurt or greatly inconvenienced.

Source: Colorado Transcript – June 13, 1935
