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Another Tale of Trees, in Honor of Arbor Day

very early photo of Golden, looking down from South Table Mountain-a scattering of buildings, Clear Creek, and mountains
Early (Treeless) Golden – Dan Abbott Collection - Click to enlarge

The May 1, 1867 Colorado Transcript remarked on several new fences that people were building around their yards. Apparently David Barnes–owner of the Golden Mill–had set the fashion.

“We also notice that nearly all who have their premises enclosed are transplanting trees about their front yards. We are glad to see this. It looks as though they were here to stay.

2 story brick house with large trees and a fenced yard, awning over central door
The 1865 Barnes Mansion at Water and Jackson Streets

The Transcript also admired Mr. Barnes’ new green blinds…”which set off his fine mansion to a good advantage. This is undoubtedly the handsomest, as well as the most costly dwelling house in Colorado.”

Later view of Golden from South Table Mountain, early 1930s, with many large trees
Golden, Circa 1930 – Dan Abbott Collection

The fashion for trees caught on, and within a few years Golden had a fine canopy.

The Golden Transcript (originally called the Colorado Transcript) has been publishing since 1866. The Golden History Museum has been working on digitizing the historic issues. You’ll find old Transcripts online at
