8:30-9:30AM Power Training (Virtual)
10-10:55AM All Levels Yoga (Virtual)
10AM and 1PM Wild West Walking Tour
10AM and 1PM Wild West Short Tour
10:15-10:45AM Let’s Dance @ Golden Library
12-12:30PM Mondays with Mayor Weinberg (Virtual)
2-3PM Active Minds Mondays – Frederick Douglass (Virtual)
5-8PM Monday Market @ Cannonball Creek Brewing

5:30-8PM Principles of Artistic Expression @ Foothills Art Center
Meeting on Monday nights, “The Principles of Artistic Expression” includes all those beginning to paint, returning to your art after a period of time, intending to strengthen your skills, or refining a style uniquely your own. As we explore the potential for self-expression in our visual language, each session we work on practical applications, with demonstrations, of essential means of artistic expression: composition, edges, shapes, values, color, light, and subject matter. We always set aside time for sensible, encouraging feedback on participants’ artwork. All mediums are welcome, including oil, acrylic, pastel, watercolor, fabric, and paper-based arts. February 5, 12, 19, 26
Explorer & Creator Members $40/ Catalyst Members $80 / Non Members $110
Register Become a member
6-9PM Teach Me to Play @ Golden Game Guild

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7-8PM Colorado Trivia League @ Morris & Mae


33 Years Ago
In 1991, the City was building the Tucker Gulch Trail. As part of that project, they planned to remove the 9th Street car bridge over the Gulch. Since the street would no longer provide a way to drive across Ford into the Goosetown neighborhood, Coors Ceramics (now CoorsTeck) was requesting that the City vacate 9th Street from Jackson to Ford Streets. They wanted to improve access to their plant buildings by creating a gate on 9th Street.

City staff agreed with their request. Planning Director Steve Glueck reminded Council that vacating the street would relieve the City’s responsibility to maintain it. Public Works Director Dan Hartman said 9th Street handled about one vehicle per minute, and that the traffic could use 10th Street instead.

An editorial in the February 5, 1991 Golden Transcript supported staff’s recommendation.
…as badly as some residents want Ninth Street to remain open, it doesn’t look like that will happen. And it seems sacrificing that local street so that another of Golden’s high-impact employers can improve the appearance of its plant is worth the trade-off.
Forgive the bluntness, Coors, but the outward appearance of the ceramics plant has not reflected the high-tech status that your company holds world-wide. We’re delighted that is about to change.
CoorsTek now plans to redevelop their property. Their traffic study projects that the number of trips to and from that area will go from 1,282 trips/day to 9,170 trips/day. To accommodate some of that traffic, they plan to re-open 9th Street through to Ford Street.

Thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts, and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!

Many thanks to the people and organizations who support What’s Happening in Golden? If you would like to support local news, please CLICK HERE!
FEBRUARY SPONSORS: Buffalo Rose, Buglet Solar, Foothills Art Center, Golden City Brewery, Golden Cultural Alliance, Golden History Museum, Golden Super Cruise, Miners Alley Playhouse, The Golden Mill, Golden Chamber of Commerce, Golden History Tours, Morris & Mae Market, Miners Saloon, Joy and Jack Brandt, Tom Reiley, ML Richardson, and Gail Strout
Contributors: Greg Poulos, Vic DeMaria, Cynthia Merrill Tamny, and Barry & Liz Bettis
Ongoing Monthly Supporters:
Tall Pines Painting, Baby Doe’s Clothing, Golden Community Garden, Carol & Doug Harwood, Jennings & Litz, Bill Fisher, Brian Quarnstrom, Casey & Gina Brown, Cheryl & Tom Schweich, Robert Storrs, Karen Smith, Sandy Curran, Paul Haseman, Michele Sannes, Kathy Smith, Crystal Culbert, Pat Madison, Donna Anderson, Ann Pattison, Carol & Don Cameron, Tom Hughes, Emeline Paulson, Susan Gray, David Smith, Karen Oxman, Laura King & Scott Wilson, Bill Sedgeley, Mariane Erickson, Carol Abel, Dot & Eric Brownson, Ann Norton & Jonathan Storer, Deb Goeldner, Rosemary Coffman, Jim & LouAnne Dale, Francine Butler, Elaine Marolla, Dixie Termin & Ron Miller, John & Andi Pearson, Chris Ball, Tom Hoffman, Patrick & Lisa Vitry, Alice Madison & Jim Kalivas, Lora Haimes, Nancy & Carlos Bernal, Stephanie Painter, Holly Thomas, Julie Bartos & Brad Miller, and Bobby German & Alison McNally