10AM-5PM Earth Sweet Boutique Anniversary Celebration @ Earth Sweet Boutique
10AM-3PM Brunch at the Rose @ Buffalo Rose
12-2PM Full Walking Tour @ Dinosaur Ridge
1-4PM Crafty Chassis Craft Truck @ Mountain Toad
2PM Misery @ Miners Alley Performing Arts Center
2-5PM La Chandeleur Event @ Over Yonder
3PM Winter Concert: The Music of Spain with the Jefferson Symphony Orchestra @ Colorado School of Mines Green Center
5-9PM Board Game Night @ Mountain Toad
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12-3PM Rob Wivchar @ Buffalo Rose (Sky Bar Stage)
12PM School of Rock – Golden / Lakewood @ Buffalo Rose
2-5PM Howard Dluglash@ Golden Mill
3PM Pair of Jokers @ Dirty Dogs Roadhouse
8PM Karaoke @ Ace Hi Tavern
William Loveland, one of our town founders, built the brick business block at 12th and Washington in 1863. William died in 1894, but his widow, Miranda, lived until 1923.
120 Years Ago
The February 4, 1904 Colorado Transcript reported that Mrs. Loveland had decided to
…make some extensive improvements upon the premises as soon as the weather will permit. A new modern front is to be put in with plate glass windows and doors, the doors to be placed at the corner. It will be a much needed improvement and will add greatly to the appearance of the prominent corner.
The October 19, 1905 Colorado Transcript provided this progress report:
A new iron roof and new gutters are being put on and a general rejuvenation of the old Loveland property at the corner of Washington avenue and Twelfth is going on. They have under consideration a new modern front for the building, which will be an improvement worth making . Linder & Co . have the contract for the work now going on. The Koenig Mercantile Co., who have occupied the premises for many years, are deserving of the improvements suggested.
The December 21, 1905 Transcript had this update:
The extensive improvements upon the Loveland building are nearly completed and are very pleasing to citizens and the Koenig Merchantile Co., the occupant of the spacious store rooms upon the first floor. The iron and plate glass front is nearly done and the rejuvenation of the interior will be pushed as rapidly as possible.
Thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts, and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!
Many thanks to the people and organizations who support What’s Happening in Golden? If you would like to support local news, please CLICK HERE!
FEBRUARY SPONSORS: Buffalo Rose, Buglet Solar, Foothills Art Center, Golden City Brewery, Golden Cultural Alliance, Golden History Museum, Golden Super Cruise, Miners Alley Playhouse, The Golden Mill, Golden Chamber of Commerce, Golden History Tours, Morris & Mae Market, Miners Saloon, Joy and Jack Brandt, Tom Reiley, ML Richardson, and Gail Strout
Contributors: Greg Poulos, Vic DeMaria, Cynthia Merrill Tamny, and Barry & Liz Bettis
Ongoing Monthly Supporters:
Tall Pines Painting, Baby Doe’s Clothing, Golden Community Garden, Carol & Doug Harwood, Jennings & Litz, Bill Fisher, Brian Quarnstrom, Casey & Gina Brown, Cheryl & Tom Schweich, Robert Storrs, Karen Smith, Sandy Curran, Paul Haseman, Michele Sannes, Kathy Smith, Crystal Culbert, Pat Madison, Donna Anderson, Ann Pattison, Carol & Don Cameron, Tom Hughes, Emeline Paulson, Susan Gray, David Smith, Karen Oxman, Laura King & Scott Wilson, Bill Sedgeley, Mariane Erickson, Carol Abel, Dot & Eric Brownson, Ann Norton & Jonathan Storer, Deb Goeldner, Rosemary Coffman, Jim & LouAnne Dale, Francine Butler, Elaine Marolla, Dixie Termin & Ron Miller, John & Andi Pearson, Chris Ball, Tom Hoffman, Patrick & Lisa Vitry, Alice Madison & Jim Kalivas, Lora Haimes, Nancy & Carlos Bernal, Stephanie Painter, Holly Thomas, Julie Bartos & Brad Miller, and Bobby German & Alison McNally