Today is the 80th anniversary of D-Day, when the allied troops invaded Normandy.
80 Years Ago
The June 8, 1944 Colorado Transcript describes Golden’s reaction to the news that the Allies had landed on the beaches of Normandy. The news reached Golden at about 1PM local time on June 6th. Telephones and church bells quickly spread the news. The churches were thrown open and services of thanksgiving were held.

The invasion had been widely anticipated, but the exact date and location had been closely-held secrets. A local car dealer had invited people to submit their guesses regarding the date and received more than 160 entries. The winner was Mrs. Emma C. Tait of 1903 Ford Street, who won $25 (in goods or trade).
Mayor Ryland issued the following Proclamation:
Mayor’s Proclamation
WHEREAS “D” Day has arrived and our Commander-in-Chief has requested that every American be “continuously in prayer,” and
WHEREAS the men in the invasion forces are in grave danger and some are making the supreme sacrifice that Freedom and Christian Liberty may continue to prevail;
BE IT THEREFORE PROCLAIMED that Sunday, June 11, 1944 be observed as a day of prayer to God for our fighting forces, that they may be preserved, strengthened and given courage to finish the gigantic task in which it is their privilege to have a part;
BE IT FURTHER PROCLAIMED that on this day all | Golden citizens go to the church of their choice for prayer as provided by the regular services.
SINCE practically every home in Golden is touched by this momentous event which in years to come will mean peace and security to all, it is hoped the entire community will take advantage of this opportunity to express their faith in prayer to the Supreme Being.
H. W. RYLAND, Mayor.

In other wartime news, the Red Cross reminded people that “Blood is Most Important for Victory: Millions of Pints Are Needed to Save Lives.” Auto garages were offering to cap bald (and strictly rationed) tires. Citizens were strongly encouraged to buy War Bonds, and everyone was urged to be growing Victory Gardens.
Thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts, and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!