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Antique photo of a small brick church with a 1920s-era car parked at the curb
Calvary Church, c. 1915-1925, Denver Public Library Special Collections - Click to enlarge

But for prompt and efficient work on the part of the fire department, Calvary church would have been destroyed or badly damaged last Thursday afternoon.

99 Years Ago
The March 12, 1925 Colorado Transcript announced that Calvary Church had been damaged by fire. The article went on to say that an oil furnace had overheated, and by the time the alarm was sounded “the basement was a seething mass of fire, and the flames were shooting from the furnace room doors and windows.”

The building wasn’t badly harmed, but the furnishings suffered smoke damage.

Thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts, and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!
