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Golden Residents Count Withdraws Its Current City of Golden Charter Amendment Petition

GOLDEN, CO – January 16, 2025 – Golden Residents Count (GRC) has officially withdrawn its current petition for a City of Golden Charter Amendment. Initially, the petition sought to trigger a special election in spring 2025, asking voters whether City Council should seek voter approval before incurring significant debt for discretionary projects.

The urgency of the amendment was underscored when, on December 17, 2024, Golden City Council approved borrowing $52.5 million for a new City Hall and Police Facility through an expedited bond issuance process. This decision rendered the impact of the planned special election moot. While GRC believes this action highlights the need for the proposed City Charter amendment, the organization decided to avoid the additional cost of a special election at this time. Read more...

Starting Jan. 29, Lookout Mountain Road will be closed every night

By Corinne Westeman
Golden Transcript

Any locals wanting to drive up to or down from Lookout Mountain at night should find an alternative route.

A 4.1-mile stretch of Lookout Mountain Road across parklands will be closed to motor vehicles all night, every night starting Jan. 29, Jeffco Open Space officials have announced... Read more...

Golden Walks group helping Jeffco residents stay physically, socially active

By Corinne Westeman
Golden Transcript

Wednesdays are for walking.

Every week, a group of Jefferson County residents meet at Clear Creek Canyon Park’s Gateway Trailhead and spend about 90 minutes walking along the creek — either up the canyon past Tunnel 1 or down into Golden... Read more...

Mines professor charged with killing GPD officer scheduled for March 20 preliminary hearing

By Corinne Westeman
Golden Transcript

The criminal case against Stephen Geer, the Colorado School of Mines professor charged in the death of Golden Police Officer Evan Dunn, is reaching a pivotal step.

Geer, 43, is scheduled for a March 20 preliminary hearing at the Jefferson County Courthouse. The hearing will start at 1 p.m. and is expected to take about four hours... Read more...

Mines wrestlers seeing ‘hard work pay off’ at season’s midpoint

By Corinne Westeman
Golden Transcript

For any young wrestler looking for inspiration, there’s no better place to visit than Volk Gymnasium... Read more...

Eileen Martin honored with Presidential Early Career Award

By Emilie Rusch
Colorado School of Mines Newsroom

Eileen Martin, associate professor of geophysics and applied mathematics and statistics at Colorado School of Mines, has been honored with the U.S. Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE)... Read more...
