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Stewart Building at 10th and Washington – Colorado Transcript – June 3, 1970 - Click to enlarge

52 Years Ago
The front page of the June 3, 1970 Golden Daily Transcript announced a new paint job for the Golden Laundromat. It was changing from a “weathered white” to a brick red color. The caption reassured readers that the Indian painting on the south side of the building was left intact.

A post-paint job photo shows that the laundromat also got some striking signage! Note that the Visitors Center hasn’t yet been built across the street.

The Stewart building was originally a grocery store. It served as the Golden community center during the 1950s before becoming a laundromat in 1959. The building currently contains several businesses, including a consignment store on the first floor and a pilates studio on the second floor.

This present day photo shows that the Indian mural on the south side is still there. It was originally an advertising mural for tobacco.

Thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts, and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!
