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satellite view of the Goosetown neighborhood with a marker at 128 Depot Street, near the railyards
Location of the old Pennsylvania House hotel - Click to enlarge

94 Years Ago
The May 15, 1930 Colorado Transcript reported that the Golden Fire department had saved the old Pennsylvania house hotel from fire twice within ten hours. It was thought that tramps or children had set the fires.

The Pennsylvania was one of several old frame hotels in the Goosetown neighborhood. It was located at 128 Depot Street (map). I searched through old Transcripts to learn more about the business, and most of what I found was unsavory.

August, 1882
Too much firewater after the Saturday visit of the paycar caused the arrest of four well known railroad boys and the subsequent binding over to the district court. They took forcible possession of the Pennsylvania house and set-em-up to all comers despite the objections of the owners, who estimated their injury at three hundred dollars, not even allowing a rebate for the two or more bushels of rocks which the hilarious railroaders had heaved through the windows.

February, 1883
A man by the name of A. R. Russell who keeps the Pennsylvania house, near the freight depot, was arrested on a charge of arson–setting fire to his house

September, 1896
During the storm last Thursday afternoon lightning struck the Pennsylvania House tearing out considerable of the front of the building. No one was injured.

April, 1915
Carrying out the threat she had often made, Mrs. Henry Deublebeis, an aged Golden woman, committed suicide Monday afternoon in a bathtub at her home in the old Pennsylvania house in East Golden. Mrs. Deublebeis had evidently crawled into the tub with the intention of drowning herself, but according to testimony at the coroner’s inquest yesterday her weakened condition caused heart failure when her body became immersed in the ice-cold water. Mrs. Deublebeis had been in poor health for some months, and often told her neighbors that if she was strong enough she would walk to the nearest pond and drown herself.

November, 1915
All day Tuesday and a half day of Monday were occupied in district court in the trial of Tom Linn charged with criminal assault. Wm. Seeley charging that his 14-year-old daughter was the victim…. Henry Deubelbeis, who formerly conducted the Pennsylvania house, was also to be tried for aiding and abetting the alleged crime.

January, 1919
Thomas Mulrooney, aged 61, fell dead of heart disease Sunday morning at his room in the Pennsylvania house.

Classified Ad, June 18, 1925
Board and room at the Pennsylvania House, 128 Depot St.

Classified Ads, March 22, 1928
14 room house, 128 Depot St., Golden. Sell cheap or trade for Denver.
12 rooms, 128 Depot St. Rent $15

August, 1928
Fire Chief William Webster and Assistant Fire Chief Wm. Harvey presented an ash pit report in which they stated that they visited 578 properties and only found sixteen that did not have ash pits or metal containers. They pointed out that the Golden House, the Pennsylvania House and the old Palmer house were fire hazards.

Classified Ad, March 13, 1930
For Sale - 14 room house at 128 Depot St., Golden. Sacrifice for $1750, easy terms.

Classified Ad, July 17, 1930
Will sell lumber in Old Pennsylvania House at 128 Depot St., Golden, for $100.

Thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts, and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!
