49 Years Ago
The August 13, 1975 Golden Transcript described a price war that raging between two downtown bars. The battle was joined only once each week, during Wednesday happy hour. The Big M Lounge (where Woody’s now is) had a new manager, and he posted a sign promising a 9 ounce glass of Coors draft for only 10 cents.
The word quickly reached Leo Stillman at the Ace Hi Tavern, and he countered by offering a 9 ounce draw for 5 cents. The normal price was 35 cents.
An investigative reporter from the Transcript visited the Ace-Hi to witness life on the front lines. The crowd there consumed a 16-1/2 gallon keg of beer in 23 minutes.
One of the regulars at the Ace-Hi Tuesday tried to recall the last time they had been able to get a beer for a nickel. “I think it was in the ’30’s,” said W.W. (Spud) Weedman, but he wasn’t sure.

Many thanks to Esther Kettering for sponsoring Golden History Moments for the month of August.