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95 Years Ago
The January 16, 1930 Colorado Transcript announced that the publishers would donate their archive of 1867-1897 Colorado Transcripts to the State Historical Society. Vera West Parsons, the Transcript’s publisher and daughter-in-law of Transcript founders George and Eliza West, planned to present them to Governor William H. Adams.

The presentation has been characterized as one of the most valuable ever given to the society. Data of much historical value is contained in the files, and they will prove of great value for research work in the early history of Colorado.

As one who derives endless enjoyment from those old Transcripts, I agree with that assessment of their value. The original newspapers, printed on aging newsprint, were fragile. They were first scanned for microfilm in the mid-20th Century. More recently they were scanned again and posted online.

You too can experience this delight!
