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Two men stand in snow in from of the Golden express freight depot. Sign on depot says 5680 Ft above sea level.
Golden Express Freight Depot, formerly located at 8th and Washington - Golden History Museum Collection - Click to enlarge

119 Years Ago
The March 23, 1905 Colorado Transcript reported that safecrackers had blown the express safe in the Colorado & Southern telegraph office. An employee from the roundhouse noticed the office door open at about 5AM, Monday morning. He contacted the Agent and the Telegraph Operator, who entered the office

…and found the safe door blown open and the books, papers and office paraphernalia scattered about in great confusion…. One small hole was drilled in the safe door where nitro-glycerine was inserted. The door was blown open and the combination shattered.

The robbers found nothing of value, since all cash was sent to the Denver office every evening. The police and an agent from the railroad were investigating the incident but had found no clues.

Several suspicious looking tramps worked the town the day previous for hand-outs, but they were conspicuous by their absence on Monday.

Thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts, and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!
