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Two teenaged boys holding climbing ropes
Colorado Transcript - April 14, 1966 - Click to enlarge

58 Years Ago
The April 14, 1966 Colorado Transcript was full of youthful adventures.

Story 1 – Up from the Deep
Two teenagers decided to explore a deep pit near the junction of routes 6 and 93. They had taken a rope with them, but found they couldn’t climb the 100 feet out of the nearly vertical shaft. Fortunately, they had friends still on the surface, who went for help. The Golden police and fire departments rescued them. According to the article, the boys were in the pit from 11:30AM until 2:30 the following morning.

Story 2 – Golden Youths Find Body on Lookout Mountain
“Leonard I. Baker, age 12, of Frederick, Colo., and Lawrence D. Wyatt, age 13, of Golden discovered the body about a quarter mile down the mountain from Buffalo Bill’s grave, when they were hiking in the area.” The Jefferson County Coroner identified the body as Donald Young, of Denver. The article doesn’t provide the man’s age, but a card in his wallet said he served in the Navy from 1950-1951.

Story 3 – Golden’s ‘Flyer Saucer’ Turns Into Student Hoax
The previous Sunday, several Golden residents had spotted a red, glowing object over Lookout Mountain. It appeared again on Monday night, so two Golden policemen hiked up the hill and found some School of Mines students creating the UFOs by attaching lighted flares to helium-filled balloons. They loosed the balloons and let them float over Golden.

Apparently they weren’t very fire-conscious.

Thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866.
