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early photo of Golden showing dirt street, frame houses, and a  very wide channel for Clear Creek
Early photo of Golden showing the gulch created by Kinney Run – Dan Abbott collection - Click to enlarge

We’ve done a lot of grading over the past 150 years in Golden. In reading old Transcripts, I often come across references to bridges that we no longer need to cross dips and gulches that we have since bulldozed away. Kinney Run used to create a significant gulch just east of East Street. That terrain has been flattened over time. Kinney Run has been contained, first in an underground pipe (1959-1922) and more recently in a deep concrete trench.

103 Years Ago
The May 12, 1921 Colorado Transcript gives prominent placement to the article, “Baptist Minister Seriously Hurt by Runaway Auto – Rev. Kelly is Caught on the Bumper of Big Car Which Runs Wild–Narrowly Escapes Death.” The pastor of the Baptist church was getting ready to leave his house on 13th Street and was standing in front of the Overland brand automobile, getting ready to crank the engine to start it.

Clink the photo above to watch the process of starting an old car with a front crank!

Unfortunately, the car had been left in gear, and as soon as the engine started, the car leaped forward. The parson was caught by the bumper and dragged eastbound on 13th Street. The road sloped down towards Kinney run, but fortunately(?) the car hit a tree before it reached the gulch. “Had the runaway machine gone twenty feet further down the road it would have plunged into Kinney gulch, and Rev. Kelly could not have escaped being crushed.” As it was, he broke a shoulder and a rib and had severe cuts and bruises on his head, face, and limbs. “He is now resting fairly easy, and will recover unless complications set in.”

The Golden Transcript (originally called the Colorado Transcript) has been publishing since 1866. The Golden History Museum has been working on digitizing the historic issues. You’ll find old Transcripts online at
