- Meeting Agenda
- Watch the meeting streaming live starting at 6:30PM
- Attend the meeting @ City Hall Council Chambers - 911 10th Street - (map)
- Send comments on any of the following topics to PublicComments@cityofgolden.net BEFORE 3PM, or
- Provide in-person comment (limited to 3 minutes) during the meeting, at 6:30PM.
Public Comment
The meeting begins with public comment. If you want to address Council, you will have three minutes to speak. Any public comments received by email before 3PM will be posted in the meeting packet after 3 (so check back then!).
Bike Lanes
Following Public Comment,the Director of Public Works will provide Council with an update on bike lanes. No additional information is available.
Consent Agenda
Tonight's meeting packet is HUGE, and our Councilors have more than earned their (rather scanty) wages in reading it. Despite this, it should be a fast meeting because all of the decisions are in the consent agenda. This means that the issues are considered non-controversial, not needing discussion, and everything will be approved at once, with one vote.
Any councilor wishing to discuss one of the issues can request that it be removed from the consent agenda and discussed and voted on separately.
These are the items on the Consent Agenda:
a) Approve the minutes of the last two meetings (Dec 3rd and Dec. 17th).

b) Conveyance of Easement to 711 12th LLC
Banks Insurance, long housed at 711 12th Street (map), negotiated a deal with GURA when the south parking garage was built. They agreed to sell some of their property so GURA could build the garage, but they would six parking spaces for the exclusive use of their business, plus a side entrance to the garage for their use. The door was added and the parking spaces reserved, but it was recently discovered that the agreement was never signed. The Banks building is now about to be sold, so they want the agreement to be officially signed off. Tonight is the first reading. It will be finalized on January 28th.
c) Adoption of 2024 Model Traffic Code and Re-Adoption and Clarification of Adventure Van and Food Truck Definition Language
This document goes into a lot of detail about where and whether you can park vans, trailers, RVs, or food trucks on the street, so if those are topics of interest to you, review this document. Tonight is the first reading. There will be a public hearing and a vote on January 28th.
d) Housing Covenant for 1211 Avery Street
The company building 43 apartments at 1211 Avery Street (map) agreed to keep the rents affordable for low (zero percent to 50 percent AMI), moderate (51 percent to 80 percent AMI) or middle (81 percent to 120 percent AMI) income tenants for 15 years. They have learned that they can get extra "sustainability" points if they extend the time to 20 years, so they are requesting that change. Tonight is the first reading. There will be a public hearing and a vote on January 28th.
e) Creating an Arts & Culture Commission
Council plans to create a new Arts & Culture Commission with a 9-member board. Only 5 of the members would need to be Golden residents. The Mayor would appoint the members. They plan to hire a new half-time staff member to support this commission. The Public Art Commission would be folded under this new group, but the current $80K allocated for public art would remain earmarked for that purpose. The new Commission would allocate a portion of the lodging tax to Golden Arts & Culture organizations. The Golden History Museum has been under the purview of the Parks & Rec Board, which has always been a strange connection. They will now be moved to this new board. Tonight is the first reading. There will be a public hearing and a vote on January 28th.
f ) Phase 3 Zoning Code Rewrite - Process, Procedures, and Notice Requirements
This lengthy document details when building projects can be approved by staff or when they must go to the Planning Commission, when they must have a public hearing, or when they must go to City Council. It proposes to eliminate the need to publish public notices in a newspaper (The Golden Transcript) in favor of publishing them on City websites. It describes how affordable housing projects will be fast-tracked. Tonight is the first reading. There will be a public hearing and a vote on January 28th.
g) Phase 3 Zoning Code Rewrite – Use Regulations
This even more lengthy document details requirements for many comfort and quality of life elements such as density and parking requirements and details what uses will be allowed in each zone. Tonight is the first reading. There will be a public hearing and a vote on January 28th.
h) Final Plat for the Golden Overlook Subdivision
i) Intergovernmental agreement with the Jefferson County Crime Lab
j) Awarding a $1,844,092 contract to Muller Engineering to design a detention pond in the future South Neighborhoods Park.
k) Designating where the City will post public notices
Public notices will be posted on the City's website and on a bulletin board inside City Hall.
l) Awarding a $189,700 contract to Brown and Caldwell, Inc. for a Comprehensive Condition Assessment and Master Capital Improvement Plan for the Water Treatment Plant
m) Amending the IGA between Golden and neighboring fire districts regarding ambulence and medical services.
n) Adopting a corrected budget
o) Buying a new fire engine for $676,149.
p) Another correction to the 2025 budget
- National Radon Action Month - January 2025
- International Holocaust Remembrance Day - January 27, 2025