- Meeting Agenda
- Watch the meeting streaming live starting at 6:30PM
- Send comments on either of tonight's topics to planning@cityofgolden.net
- Attend the meeting @ City Hall Council Chambers - 911 10th Street - (map)
Work Plan
The Planning Commission will review their accomplishments for 2024 and discuss their goals for 2025.
Their 2024 accomplishments include continued work on rewriting the zoning code, establishing a fast-track procedure for affordable housing projects; adding bike lanes to Ford Street (10th to 14th), add a sidewalk to Pinal Road, and installing flashing crossing lights, and increasing speed management in residential neighborhoods; adding signs to point the way to parking, and continuing to have parking managed by a third party vendor.
"Downtown parking requirements will be impacted by state legislation that limits the ability of municipalities to require parking for new multifamily properties in high frequency transit areas."
Their goals for 2025 include rezoning the Golden Terrace Mobile Home Park to ensure that it will continue to be used as a mobile home park. Staff will be rewriting the City's Comprehensive Plan. They will initiate a Transporation Demand Management Plan, with the goal "to reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips, particularly in Downtown Golden."
See the meeting packet for more about their goals.
Comprehensive Plan
Staff has been holding public meetings to gather input for a new version of the comprehensive plan. Tonight's meeting memo shows some of the early responses.