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Bike Race Downtown; Movie at the Railroad Museum

We will be hosting the Golden Gran Fondo bike race today, in downtown Golden.  Parfet Park (10th and Washington) will be the site of an all-day race festival.

Riders will take off from the Welcome Arch, starting at 8 AM.  There are 3 different routes, which cover 90, 60, and 20 miles, so the riders get back at different times.  There will be an awards ceremony for the 20 and 60 mile riders between 3 and 3:30.  The awards ceremony for the 90 mile riders is expected to be between 4 and 5 (depending on when they all finish).  This is a complicated race, so check their website for more details!

The Railroad Museum is hosting a special screening of Grand Central Station: An American Treasure at 1PM.  The movie is included with regular museum admission.
