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Councilor Saoirse Charis-Graves will host her monthly Coffee with a Councilor this morning from 9-10 at the 5th Ring Coffee House.  Drop by and learn what’s going and tell her about any concerns you have with City business.  Councilors Behm and Claxton and Mayor Sloan are frequent visitors at this event.

The Golden Super Cruise takes place tonight, so grab your lawn chair and enjoy the endless parade of beautiful classic cars.  Most of the action takes place on South Golden Road, but many cars also do a loop through downtown by way of Ford, 10th, Washington, 19th, Jackson, and back to South Golden Road.  Any place along that route will offer some fine car spotting!  The event theoretically starts at 5, but they start showing up hours earlier, so you’re likely to see the old beauties all day long.
