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Development Opportunities, Two Film Festivals, and February 15th Over Three Centuries

Golden Eye Candy – Chris Davell – Very frozen creek! – click to enlarge

COVID Updates

The county updates COVID and vaccine stats Monday through Friday, so the next update will appear here tomorrow.

Appointments to Get the COVID Vaccine (Eligibility)
State of Colorado’s Find Out Where You Can Get Vaccinated page
Safeway | King Soopers | Lutheran Medical Center | JCPH Clinic in Arvada (70+ only)

State Hotline to answer questions, including location of vaccine providers: 1-877-268-2926. It is staffed 24 hours a day.

Golden Testing Sites
Mines COVID Testing | Jeffco Fairgrounds COVID Testing

More Public Health References
School of Mines COVID-19 case page. | Sign up for exposure notifications | CDC | Colorado | Jefferson County | City of Golden

Virtual Events

Backcountry Film Festival Begins
Colorado Environmental Film Festival Continues

6-6:55AM Virtual Dynamic Circuit
8:30-9:30AM Virtual Power Training
6:30PM Golden Urban Renewal Authority Meeting
GURA will “discuss development opportunities” tonight. The meeting will apparently not be available on video. The agenda says, “(The public may participate in listen-only mode by calling 1-408-418-9388; access code is 187 925 5660)”

Golden History Moment

Colorado Transcript, February 15, 1871
Whooping cough was prevalent along Ralston Creek and in that vicinity.

Colorado Transcript, February 15, 1893
Mr. Hodges’ extensive brick works on the north side were going to be started up at once on a mammoth order for the Colorado Coke and Coal Company of Pueblo. This would give employment to a large additional number of men.

Colorado Transcript, February 15, 1917

Wild Cat Point was another possible site for Buffalo Bill’s Gravesite, as shown on this promotional postcard – click to enlarge

Buffalo Bill had died the previous month, and there was much discussion about where to bury him. The Quaintance family proposed selling Castle Rock as the site for his memorial, suggesting that South Table Mountain be added to the Denver Mountain Parks System.

Colorado Transcript, February 15, 1934
The Transcript reminded people to be pleased that 803 men had been employed over the winter by the Roosevelt administration’s Civil Works Administration. Apparently, people were grumbling that more had not been employed, so the Transcript reminded them that the rules required veterans be given first priority, followed by men with a large number of dependents who had been out of work for a long time.

Colorado Transcript, February 15, 1945
Meat was expected to be in short supply for the duration of the war, so the Transcript suggested that people raise some chickens–and if they had room, some pigs.

Colorado Transcript, February 15, 1951
Realtor Dennis of Golden was advertising 9 homes (“and many others”) for sale in Golden, with prices ranging from $6,700 (four-room frame home, modern, corner lot 75 x 150 feet) to $11,500 (new frame 2 bedroom home completely furnished).

Colorado Transcript, February 15, 1962
The First Methodist Church celebrated its new home with a consecration service, which was attended by more than 500 persons., February 15, 2020

February 15, 2020

The Golden Cultural Alliance’s Heart and Soul of Golden month was in full swing, and Goldentoday’s daily post announced events at the Library, Dinosaur Ridge, the Quilt Museum, and Miners Alley Playhouse.

Many thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!
