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Golden Beer Talks – Tree Rings and the Future of the Colorado River

Golden Beer Talks is a homegrown endeavor organized by a few local citizens passionate about nurturing community connections, supporting local businesses, and learning a little something new now and then. An evening hosted by Golden Beer Talks centers around a brief, informative and entertaining presentation by an expert on an irresistibly enticing topic. Held in Windy Saddle Café–located next to downtown Golden’s welcome arch–each event features beer for sale from one of our local breweries, along with a variety of delicious food and drink offerings from the Windy Saddle kitchen and bar. It’s Golden’s own grassroots version of TED talks for the benefit of our own local community–and just for the fun of it. Golden Beer Talks is a nonprofit venture focused on three favorite local things–Golden and Beer and Talking!

Tonight’s speaker is Becky Brice, a PhD student at the University of Arizona and researcher for the Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS) and the Laboratory of Tree Ring Research in Tucson, Arizona. Her work is devoted to discovering what trees’ archives can tell us about atmospheric circulation, streamflow extremes and climate. Her current work uses tree rings as a proxy of snowpack, soil moisture and air temperature.

As a lifeline for the southwestern United States, the Colorado River provides water for municipalities, agriculture, hydropower and recreation, as well as fish and wildlife species. Tree ring research provides valuable clues about pre-historic streamflow in the Colorado River, and suggests that it will be dramatically different in the future than the body of water with which we are familiar today. Among other fascinating insights, tree ring reconstructions raise questions about the sustainability of the Colorado River Compact set into stone in 1922.

Windy Saddle will be serving French Dip sandwiches tonight with a side of coleslaw.  Tonight’s beer comes from Barrels & Bottles Brewery.
