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City Council meets tonight at 6:30.  If you have anything you want to say to them, you can address them during the public comment period at the beginning of the meeting; send them a comment ahead of time, using the e-comment feature on the City website; send them an email at; or contact your own representatives individually.  The meeting will be broadcast live on cable channel 8 and streamed live through the City website.

If you’re still in an Earth Day kind of mood, consider attending tonight’s 7PM lecture at the Unitarian Church:  Renewable Energy–or Coal?

Despite frequent news about promising advances in renewable energy technology Colorado seems locked into coal for much of its electricity production. How did we get into that situation? And how can we switch to wind & solar for which our state is so well suited?  Stay for refreshments and networking after the presentation.  Free.  RSVP.

Where: Jefferson Unitarian Church, 14350 W. 32nd Avenue, Golden, CO (map)
