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Don’t forget tonight’s chili cook-off at the High School.  The PTA will be serving chili from 6-8:30.

The Chamber will be offering a learning opportunity on Tuesday morning the 24th:  “How Social Media Can Grow Your Business.”  Julie Urlab of the Taiga Company will show the group how to connect, engage, share, and promote on social media in a way that delivers results to the bottom line.  The class takes place at the Table Mountain Inn, and includes a breakfast buffet.  The cost is only $12.50/person, and you do not need to be a Chamber member to attend.  Call Jayne Byl at 303-279-3113 to register, or do it online at

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) needs a site manager for their Golden campus.  It sounds like an interesting job! Contact Tom Hughes at for more information.

The Colorado Environmental Film Festival begins tonight.  As usual, they have a wonderful line-up of films, food, and events.  See the schedule and the film descriptions to get your weekend lined up!
