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The big news of the day:  City Manager Mike Bestor has announced his intention to retire once a replacement is found.  Amy Woodward at the Golden Transcript broke the story before last night’s City Council meeting, and Mike read his letter of resignation at the end of the meeting.  Golden has been very fortunate to have someone as competent as Mike as our City Manager, and he’s leaving the City in very good shape.

Astor House Lecture:  KKK in Colorado

There will be a lecture tomorrow afternoon at the Astor House:  The Ku Klux Klan in Colorado.  In the early 1920s it is estimated that 10% of Colorado’s population were either members of the Ku Klux Klan or sympathetic to their ideals. Explore the roots, development and demise of the Klan in Colorado and learn about the rallies held on top of Table Mountain overlooking Golden. Follow the history of civil rights and understand how Colorado moved from harboring intolerance to embracing equality.

Members $10; non-members $15. This class will be taught by Ed Weising who is a historian and tour guide with over 30 years of experience as a speaker. His presentations will be illustrated with historical photos.


Call 303-278-3557 with any questions.
