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The Golden Urban Renewal Authority Board will meet tonight at 6:30 in City Council Chambers.  They have several topics on the agenda, including the following.

  1. Windy Saddle Cafe has requested some financial assistance from GURA in installing a serving area in front of the cafe.
  2. Xcel recently announced that they will no longer allow banners to be hung from streetlight poles.  One option would be for the city to purchase the streetlights from Xcel.
  3. The downtown parking garages are beginning to run into capacity limits because we have more downtown residents, employees, and visitors than we did just a few years ago.
  4. The downtown directories, which are posted several places downtown, have recently been updated.
  5. GURA staff has been researching options for improving the appearance of Miners Alley (the alley that runs between Washington and Arapahoe Streets, from 11th to 13th).
