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Railroad Writers, Quilting Ladies, Wall Climbers, and Female Entrepreneurs

The Railroad Museum is hosting a talk from 11:30-12:30 today: So You Want to Write a Railroad Book? (That sounds great to me, because I’m working on a book about the Railroads of Golden Colorado!) The talk is included with regular admission to the museum.

The Quilt Museum hosts Hexie Ladies from 1-3PM. Please join other paper piecing enthusiasts for a fun get-together and educational opportunity to learn, explore, and develop your skills with English Paper Piecing! Meeting is held the first Tuesday of each month from 1:00–3:00pm at 200 Violet Street Suite 150, Golden. Save your seat by calling the Gift Shop at 303-277-0377. Everyone is welcome whether you are just starting out and want to learn the various techniques or are an advanced sewer skilled in paper piecing techniques. Bring your projects to “Show & Tell” or ask for helpful suggestions. NO COST TO ATTEND.

The Chamber’s South Golden Merchants will meet at 2PM at Pizza Hut. This group meets monthly to discuss the needs/promotions/updates of the area. All are welcome to attend.

There’s FREE open climbing tonight from 6-8PM for the Trailblazers: CMC’s group for ages 20-40. Please bring your own harness, belay device and climbing shoes (approach shoes or even normal athletic shoes work just fine on this wall). No chalk. No prior climbing experience required. Please let me know if you have no or little experience, and we can work on some of the fundamentals! Register. For more information, contact: Logan Chandler – or Maddie Miller – or you can sign up on the Trailblazers page:

From 6-8PM at Connects Workspace, Women Who Startup (WWS) will host the first meeting of Basecamp Jeffco. Basecamp Jeffco will shine a spotlight on women entrepreneurs and innovators in Jefferson County and build a supportive community around the community’s Women Who Startup, those who work for them, support them, invest in them, and mentor them. Learn more at or email
