I always enjoy reading the comments that people contribute to our public meetings. Finding the public comments can be a bit of a treasure hunt.
Some boards (Public Art, EDComm, DDA, and GURA) take a month or more before they are available to the public, and some (MTAB) are never posted, but comments sent to City Council are posted on the day of the meeting. In addition, comments sent to their old email address (counclcomments@cityofgolden.net) are published once a week in the "Transparency" section of the City website.
I loved one of the comments posted this week because it was so similar to one in today's Golden History article.
I don’t like the new charge parking especially since I’m have been a Golden citizen for more than 22 years. I think Golden citizens shouldn’t have to pay for parking since we already pay taxes.
Public Comment - January 26, 2025
Phooey on this notion of establishing parking meters on city streets. Citizens are obliged to pay plenty for construction and maintenance of the streets, and it’s certainly rubbing it in to ask that they pay extra for the privilege of using them.
Colorado Transcript - September 23, 1937

You may recall reading that the Public Art Commission met last Monday to consider bike racks that could also serve as public art. During that meeting, staff mentioned that they had received several comments that morning about the suitability of the designs. Those comments were not included in the Art Commission packet, but some apparently cc-ed City Council, because the letters appeared in their packet the next night.
I was horrified at the design of many of the “bike racks” under consideration. While I fully support public art, bike racks are an important piece of transportation infrastructure and must be functional above all...no one cruising into downtown after a bike ride on their $10k+ bike is going to lock just the front wheel to a canoe while they grab a post ride drink or meal.
One of several comments to City Council regarding the bike racks
(They didn't choose the canoe.)