Public Health References
CDC * Colorado * Jefferson County * City of Golden
JCPHD updates the Coronavirus statistics Monday through Friday at about 3 PM. The next update will be included in tomorrow’s post. Golden had 20 new cases last week (232 on October 9th and 252 on October 16th).
Virtual Golden
6-6:55AM Virtual Dynamic Circuit
9-10AM Virtual Power Training
10:15AM Spanish Story Time with the Library
6:30PM Downtown Development Authority Meeting
The DDA will discuss their community partnering agreements for the coming year, including the Golden Visitors Center ($20K), Foothills Art Center ($20K), and Visit Golden ($15K). They will also hear a funds request for this year’s Olde Golden Christmas celebration. Since we can’t do crowd-centric events such as the Candlelight Walk and the Saturday parades, the City and Chamber are looking for alternative activities to bring people downtown. They don’t have a definite dollar amount yet, but will describe their tentative plans and a possible budget to the DDA tonight. They will also discuss the Legacy Fund contribution to the Astor House restoration.
DDA will be contributing to three new downtown murals. The artwork for the murals is included in the meeting packet and shown above.
Staff continues to work with a consultant to design overhead lighting for Miners Alley (the actual alley, not the playhouse) to make the space more attractive for events.
DDA will be funding a new wheelchair ramp for the SE corner of 11th and Washington, and that work should be starting soon.
News from Miners Alley Playhouse
Plan to join Miners Alley Playhouse on October 30th for promises to be the Best Live/Virtual Event of the Season! Learn more….
Miners Alley will be offering in-person/after school/socially-distanced acting classes beginning the week of November 2nd, with separate sessions for grades 2-3, 4-5, 6-8, and 9-12. Learn more and sign up….
Golden History Moment
Yesterday’s article described a bunch of accidents that occurred in August of 1915. I gave a poor summary for one of them when I said,
A “big International truck” went down a fifty foot bank near the Coors office building that the city recently purchased. It landed upside down after rolling over twice.
One of my readers commented that even in 1915, the City was buying office buildings from Coors. No–they weren’t. What the Transcript article actually said was “just below the Golden Smelter.” Since the smelter is long gone, I was trying to describe it in terms of a more familiar landmark. The smelter appears on the 1895 Sanborn Fire Map.
The Golden Smelter was built in the early 1870s and was the first of several smelters here in Golden.