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The bad turn at 24th and East. Excerpt from Highway and Transportation Map of Jefferson County Colorado - Colorado State Highway Department - 1936 - Jefferson County Archives - Click to enlarge

73 Years Ago
The January 24, 1952 Colorado Transcript described a welcome street improvement at 23rd and East Street. Until that time, the "South Golden Road," then designated as Highway 20, had come into town on East Street.

Oasis Service Station @ 24th and East, now Golden Auto Clinic

That explains why there is a small remnant of commercial development at 24th and East. The Golden Auto Clinic was originally a gas station, built there to serve the heavy traffic along that route. After arriving via East Street, cars would turn left on 23rd to get over to Ford and drive that into downtown.

The strip of highway which provides a new approach into Golden on Highway 20 was opened for travel last week. The highway now enters Golden on Ford street instead of on East street and eliminates the two sharp turns on Twenty-third street.
Colorado Transcript
- January 24, 1952
