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Final Performances, Adopting Plants, and Zipping Across the Mesa

Golden Eye Candy – April is Coming – enlarge At this time of year, I always need some reassurance that spring really is coming. Here’s a picture I took on April 1, 2012. Notice the trees turning green. Twelve more days till April!

Virtual Events

1-2PM Virtual: Race Relations Book Discussion for 4th-6th Graders
2:30-3:30PM Virtual: Race Relations Book Discussion for 6th-8thGraders

Real World Events

Adopt a Houseplant Today at the Library!

8AM New and Prospective Member Hike @ Apex Trail
10AM-3PM Brunch at the Rose @ Buffalo Rose
10AM-3PM Saturday Train Rides @ Colorado Railroad Museum
10:15AM Family Time @ Golden Library – WAITLIST
11AM and 1PM Goldilocks and the Three Bears @ Miners Alley Playhouse FINAL PERFORMANCES!
11AM St. Patrick’s Day Pub Crawl @ Golden City Brewery
11AM-3PM Daytona Open House Weekend @ Avalanche Harley
12-2:30PM Walk With a Geologist @ Dinosaur Ridge
12-5PM Adopt a Houseplant @ Golden Library
6:30PM Soundbath @ PranaTonic Yoga

7:30PM Moon Over Buffalo @ Miners Alley Playhouse
This is the last weekend to see the extremely funny Moon Over Buffalo. If you were unable to get tickets (or still feel hesitant to sit in a theater) you should watch it on-demand for only $20!

Live Music

11AM-2PM CD Clark – Irish Brunch @ Buffalo Rose (Sky Bar Stage)
1-5PM Vince Converse @ Dirty Dogs Roadhouse
4-7PM Earl Nelson & The Company @ Goosetown Station

5-8PM Shawn Eckels @ Golden Mill
6-10PM Twisted Mistress @ Dirty Dogs Roadhouse
7-10PM Chris Child @ Buffalo Rose (Sky Bar Stage)
9PM Karaoke @ Ace Hi Tavern

Golden History Moment

Burros headed to Castle Rock – enlarge

In 1906, the Ashworth family, owners of the Avenue Hotel, set up a “resort” on Castle Rock. The business included “comfortable resting places and a refreshment stand.” They provided a string of burros to carry visitors from downtown Golden to the summit.

The trip was a popular novelty, with hundreds of people visiting Castle Rock on pleasant summer days. The owners had hoped to obtain a liquor license to set up a saloon at the summit, but soon found that the citizens of Golden would not permit such a use. This made the business less profitable than the Ashworths had hoped, and that–along with a windstorm that took the roof off their resort building–led them to abandon their plans. They sold their interests to the Quaintance brothers.

114 Years Ago
The March 19, 1908 Colorado Transcript announced that Harry Hartzell was building a road from South Golden Road (and today’s Quaker Street) across South Table Mountain, ending at the Castle Rock Resort. Hartzell’s plan was to provide hourly stagecoach service across the mesa, but he promised that the road would also be open to “automobilists.”

The May 7, 1908 Transcript announced that the road had been completed. The newly-expanded resort resumed operations and once again provided popular. Access was available to burro train, by foot, or by stagecoach.

Arrangements have been completed whereby H. L. Hartzell will make for the opening day a special rate of 25 cents for the round trip to the summit, over the new and interesting stage road just completed. Stages will run all afternoon and evening, making the trip as often as possible. Burro trains will also be run all afternoon and evening. Both the stage and burros will leave from the Tramway depot. Persons having teams of their own are invited to use the new stage route.
Colorado Transcript
– June 11, 1908

This photo from the Golden History Museum collection shows both a burro train and a funicular car ascending Castle Rock - enlarge

An incline railway (also called a “funicular”) was added to the transportation options in 1913. The railway rose and fell in popularity over time. During its peak, there was little mention of the road across the mesa, but that may be because it was no longer new and novel.

During the mid-1920s, the Denver-region Ku Klux Klan held meetings at the site of the by-then-defunct resort. The parade of hooded Klansman drove out from Denver on Colfax Avenue, turned onto South Golden Road, and used the former stagecoach road across the mesa to reach Castle Rock.

Thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts, and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!
