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Eagle Brewing Company as shown in the 1893 Golden Globe Industrial Edition This was located at 11th and Washington–now the site of the Golden Hotel. - Click to enlarge

A recent article reviewed the arrival of each of our present-day craft breweries. It included this picture from 1893, which shows the brewery that used to stand at 11th and Washington. One of my readers asked what else had been on that corner, prior to the Golden Hotel. I don’t have the precise chronology, but here are several things I’ve encountered in my readings.

According to Transcript founder George West, the Boston Company camped on that spot when they arrived here in June of 1859.

Advertisement for the Boyds’ hotel – Western Mountaineer, December 28, 1859

West’s future in-laws, the Boyds, ran a hotel on that spot during the gold rush years.

Excerpts from Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps showing the corner of 1th and Washington, 1886 – 1938 – enlarge

Crisman & Fitzpatrick built a “flouring” mill there in 1867. That mill burned but Fitzpatrick (sans Crisman) rebuilt it, this time using fireproof brick.

Photo shows the mill/brewery building and photographer’s gallery – Dan Abbott collection

In 1891, the vacant mill was converted for use as a brewery. Sometime later, a small building that served as a photographer’s gallery was added between the brewery and Washington Avenue.

Miss Genia Stillman and Miss Emma Cook, the photographers, have concluded not to re-locate their gallery, and the building, which is one of the oldtimers of the city, will be torn down to make way for the new Christian church. Golden people will be sorry to lose these popular ladies.
Colorado Transcript
, March 29, 1906

In 1906, the Christian Church acquired the corner property and planned to build a large and elaborate church there. They got as far as building the foundation and basement level, but the congregation dissolved before completing the project. In 1913, the partial building was purchased by a group of blacksmiths, who opened a garage in the structure.

Photo shows the garage – Dan Abbott collection – enlarge

Extensive improvements are planned by Blood Bros, and Ball, who have purchased the Christian Church property and they will turn the same into a first class automobile garage and machine shop. At present a concrete addition is being, added on the north side of the building, which will be utilized solely as a machine and blacksmith shop. The balance of the building will be used for the storage and repair of cars. A number of local people have already reserved space for their cars. With the up-to-date equipment that this firm already has and the contemplated addition of new machinery there will be no repair work too large or small that they cannot handle.
Colorado Transcript
, April 17, 1913

Golden Motors used car dealership – Golden History Museum collection – enlarge

The garage gradually expanded and began selling used cars. By the 1940s, it was known as “Golden Motors.”

The one-story building was demolished in 1999 and replaced by the Golden Hotel.
