83 Years Ago
After more than a decade of Depression, the Golden community was used to “making do,” but World War II brought “doing without” to a whole new level. Advertisements for new tires had been a regular feature in the Colorado Transcript, but once the war began, those ads disappeared.

Rubber was needed for the war effort, so tires for civilian vehicles were hard to get. According to the January 22, 1942 Colorado Transcript, people needing replacements were required to bring the old tire to an authorized inspection station so they could determine whether it could be repaired or retreaded. If the tire could no longer be repaired, the vehicle owner had to apply to the county tire rationing administrator to try to get a new one.
The names of successful applicants were listed in the paper. This was the complete list of new tires sold in Jefferson County for the two weeks prior to January 22nd, 1942:
- Oscar Johnson, Arvada, route 2, two obsolete tires, size 4.5×21
- Clarence R. Hinkle, Wheatridge, one 32×6 10-ply truck tire
- Edwin Watson, route 3, Golden, two 6.25×16 4-ply tires
- Willard J. Digby, 7830 Westview Dr., one truck tire
- R. W. Browne, Lakewood, one tractor tire
- Ernest Amos Rigli, Lakewood, two light truck tires

One article told of three men who were in jail, charged with grand larceny for stealing five tires and tubes, the wheels, battery, and radio from a car that was left unattended in Wheatridge.

Another article recommended that motorists write down the serial numbers, size and make of their tires to help the police identify them if they were stolen. The article went on to compare tire theft to horse-thieving in pioneer days (and pointed out that horse thieves were hanged).
Advertisements for new tires didn’t return to the Transcript until 1947.

Jimmie’s Shoe Shop adopted the wartime parlance by advertising shoe “retreading.”