COVID Updates

Jefferson County Case Summary:
Cases in Jeffco – Wednesday: 48,311 | Thursday: 48,392 (+81)
Deaths in Jeffco – Wednesday: 843 | Thursday: 843 (unchanged)
Currently Hospitalized in Jeffco – Wednesday: 35 | Thursday: 31 (-4)
Recovered – Wednesday: 47,184 | Thursday: 47,255 (+71)
Known Cases in Golden – Monday: 2001 | Thursday: 2005 (+4)
COVID Vaccine Appointments
State of Colorado: Where You Can Get Vaccinated
Jeffco Public Health Vaccine Call Center: 303-239-7000
State Vaccine Hotline: 1-877-268-2926.
Golden Testing Sites
Mines COVID Testing | Jeffco Fairgrounds COVID Testing
More Public Health References
Sign up for exposure notifications | CDC | Colorado | Jefferson County | City of Golden
Virtual Events
6-6:55AM Virtual HIIT
8:30-9:30AM Virtual Power Training
10:30-11:15AM Play and Learn with the Library
11:40AM-12:30PM All Levels Yoga Virtual
4-5PM Friday Crafternoons
1-2PM Mush!
Real World Events
3PM Vaccine, License & Microchip Clinic @ Foothills Animal Shelter

12PM Tucker Cunningham at Golden Mill
5PM Matt Weatherbee & The Gnarbillys at Goosetown Station
5PM Wylie Jones @ Over Yonder
6PM Look Both Ways at Wrigley’s
7PM Ross Henderson @ Buffalo Rose (Sky Bar Stage – outdoor patio)
8PM Hazel Miller & The Collective @ Buffalo Rose (main venue)
9PM Karaoke at Ace Hi Tavern
Golden History Moment

113 Years Ago
The June 11, 1908 Colorado Transcript announced the opening day of the Castle Rock Resort. This was five years before the funicular railway was built. In 1908, visitors had two ways to reach the resort. A wagon road had been built across the top of the mesa. The special opening day price for a round trip to the summit was 25 cents. The other alternative was riding in a burro train. Both the stage and burros left from the Tramway depot at 13th and Washington.

The resort owner, Charles Quaintance, invited the Golden community to join him on Castle Rock to enjoy the sunset and looking over the lights of Denver. Mr. Quaintance had constructed a dancing pavilion on Castle Rock, “with a fine hard wood floor.” To celebrate the opening, dancing would be free all night. At 8 o’clock, Mayor Vivian would turn on the electric lights, “converting the top of the rock into a glaring tower of light, and opening the resort.”

The reason we have so many photos of people on burros is that Quaintance was a photographer. He took photos of tourists before they headed up the mountain and offered them for sale afterwards. The photo above features a big sign saying
4 FOR 50 CENTERS $1.00 per DOZ
Burros For Hire 35 cents per Hour
Trip To Castle Rock 50 cents
Lookout Mountain $1.00.
The Golden Transcript (originally called the Colorado Transcript) has been publishing since 1866. The Golden History Museum has been working on digitizing the historic issues. You’ll find old Transcripts online at coloradohistoricnewspapers.org.