9-10AM Rescue Puppy Yoga @ The Golden Mill
10AM-noon Breakfast Burritos @ The Golden Mill

10AM-3PM Brunch at the Rose @ Buffalo Rose
2PM I Hate Hamlet @ Miners Alley Playhouse – FINAL PERFORMANCE!
10AM-5PM Spring Gear Sale and Swap @ Golden River Sports
10AM-3PM Earth Day Clean Up @ Barrels and Bottles – Camp George West

11AM and 1PM Jazz and Murder @ Buffalo Rose
12-2PM Full Walking Tour @ Dinosaur Ridge
2-3:30PM Make Something: Tea Tasting @ Golden Library
See the complete calendar of events.


11AM-2PM Merkin & Weenus @ Buffalo Rose (Sky Bar Stage)
3PM René Moffatt @ Over Yonder
3-7PM Midnight Vinyl @ Wrigley’s

4-7PM Jonny Sterling @ Buffalo Rose (Sky Bar Stage)
8PM Karaoke @ Ace Hi Tavern


53 Years Ago
The July 13, 1970 Golden Transcript reported that the Coors smokestack was being demolished. The 180 foot tall smokestack was built in 1925. The article explains that the stack had been used with a coal boiler. The Clean Air Act became law in 1967, and Coors had switched to gas and oil boilers, to clean up their emissions.

From the article:
All of this is part of Coors recognition for the need to control air pollution. Remember how the black smoke used to waft over the Table Mountains, down the valley towards Wheat Ridge or up the valley over Golden?

The presence (or absence) of the smokestack is one item that I use to help establish dates for pictures of Coors.
Post Script – Eight years after the article that described Coors’ conversion from coal to gas, a related article appeared in the Transcript.

The September 6, 1978 Golden Transcript featured a photo of Coors buildings in the Clear Creek valley. The paper stated that “The major construction effort at present involves conversion of the brewery’s energy demand to a power plant that utilizes coal.”
The article explained that the new coal plant used cleaner “coal gasification” technology.
According to this article, Coors has since outsourced energy production and reverted to using gas.

Thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts, and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!