82 Years Ago
The October 8, 1942 Colorado Transcript gave several updates on the scrap drive. The War Production Board had put out a call, asking all citizens to collect unneeded metal so it could be used for war materials (guns, ammunition, ships, tanks, etc.).
The War Production Board Chair announced that any county that collected more than 100 pounds per capita would received a “salvage victory pennant” to fly at the courthouse.
The high school had collected a substantial pile, which was growing on the school grounds. The City had a mountain of scrap behind City Hall on 12th Street. “Seven big truck loads, averaging 3 tons each have already gone to fight the Japs.”

The Transcript put their own spin on the drive. They were collecting stray locks and keys. Apparently many Goldenites had a collection of mystery keys. “Dave Johnston brought in a box full of old locks and keys, no two of which fit; and we have the large key ring, big enough to hang a man, that Fred Robinson turned in full of keys of all sizes, last week.”
Many thanks to an anonymous donor for sponsoring Golden History Moments for the month of October.